Some of the members of SEIROS have published their work in academic journals or as chapters in existing academic books. But after Agape Economics produced its report as the culmination of Project 2, the Advisory Board accepted an offer from Shepherd Street Press to consolidate the work that had flowed from the 2016 questionnaire about volunteering and donations in Australia, into a single academic book which would inform interested members of the public about the economic impact of religion on Australian society.
The book may be purchased in either hard or soft versions here.

The book is divided into the following chapters:
Introduction – Philip Hughes and A. Keith Thompson
- Literature Review on the Impact of Religion on Quality of Life. Professor Ram Cnaan
- The Economic Impact of Religious Activities – Scoping Study for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Deloitte Access Economics
- Contributing to Australian Society – Survey Questions. Christian Research Association
- Economic Value of Donating and Volunteering Behaviour Associated with Religiosity. Deloitte Access Economics
- Impact of Religion on Society. Philip Hughes
- The Economic Impact of Religious Volunteering and Donation. A. Keith Thompson
- Measuring the Economic Impact of Religiosity in Australia. Brendan Long
- Measuring the Economic Impact of Religious Persons Associated with Volunteering and Donation Behaviour. Agape Economics
- Executive Summary: Measuring the Economic Impact of Religious Persons Associated with Volunteering and Donation Behaviour. SEIROS (Gawaine Powell Davies, Brendan Long and A. Keith Thompson)